HR experts join groundbreaking business growth platform

Law At Work (LAW), Jersey’s leading employment, employee relations and health and safety specialist, has teamed up with leading business strategist Royston Guest to help businesses plan for success.

The Business Growth Pathway platform is a new concept in building success for any size of business and is the brainchild of best-selling author and renowned business strategist and coach, Royston Guest. The online platform, which helps business owners assess where they are on their business growth journey and give them the resources and tools they need to grow, was developed by Royston and his team who have helped tens of thousands of businesses to deliver accelerated, sustained and profitable business growth.

As a strategic partner and accredited practitioner, LAW will assist businesses with their journey to create a more meaningful people strategy. By using the growth enablers on the Pathways Platform, business owners and leaders will get a unique top-down view of their business challenges and opportunities, identifying exactly where their business is now and what they need to improve. Working together with LAW’s credible experts and harnessing their people expertise, LAW will help create and facilitate the pathway to achieve the goal of being an employer of choice.

Heidi Gibaut, Group Managing Director, said: “Running a business is tough, and it is a constant challenge to make sure it continues to grow. Having an insight into which areas, in your people strategy, should be prioritised will be vital for a business’ survival. That’s why we have teamed up with The Business Growth Pathway to deliver strategies that will ensure businesses have the right policies in place to help their workplaces function at their best. LAW will work on business leadership and corporate growth strategies helping businesses meet their full potential.”

Royston Guest, CEO of Pathways Global, added: “20% of businesses fail in their first year, and around 60% will go bust within their first three years. We wanted to create something different that helps a new breed of business leader face the diverse challenges of today’s world not through trial and error but through focused, practical insights and actions tailored to their business. The Business Growth Pathway platform is all about making a tangible difference to business owners so that they can have the confidence to think big and make business improvements. Businesses don’t grow on their own, leaders grow businesses, and with hands-on support and guidance from the HR professionals at LAW, this service will add exponential value to business leaders and owners who want to achieve further success.”

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