How CSR is shaping the future of recruitment and talent management

Today, we’re excited to welcome Tina Palmer from ASL Recruitment, one of Jersey’s leading recruitment agencies, to discuss the crucial role of CSR in modern recruitment and talent management. Her passion for CSR runs deep, and she has a strong understanding of candidates’ evolving preferences.

We hope you find this article both informative and inspiring, as Tina highlights the transformative role of CSR in shaping the future of work.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a company’s commitment to acting ethically and contributing positively to society. While CSR is often associated with a company’s impact on the environment and the community, it can also play a significant role in recruitment and talent management.

Whilst salary remains a deciding factor for candidates when considering job changes, company culture has become a significant determinant that can sway a candidate.

According to a recent study by LinkedIn, 59% of European respondents stated they would not work for an organisation that doesn’t share their values, with 55% reporting that even a pay increase would not change their minds.

This trend is primarily driven by younger generations who are willing to leave jobs that don’t align with their values. With Millennials and Gen Z making up more of the working population, the importance of shared values cannot be overstated.

People are increasingly seeking organisations that align with their vision and values. A robust CSR policy is a key aspect that potential candidates look for in a business, but more importantly, organisations need to show a sincere commitment to its implementation.

Research has shown that beliefs about CSR initiatives can impact workplace attitudes, trust in leadership, organisational pride, job satisfaction, and even performance.

Finding meaning at work is a significant factor in retaining talent long-term. When employees can see the impact of their contribution, they are more motivated and engaged, and are more likely to stay with the company.

There are benefits for organisations as well. Companies whose employees feel a sense of purpose at work and believe their leaders set clear direction and expectations tend to outperform the stock market by 6.9%. Businesses that prioritise social responsibility attract top talent and foster a sense of purpose and belonging among their teams, which is reflected in talent retention figures.

To be successful, it’s important to ensure that these values are reflected throughout the business. Here are a few examples of CSR initiatives that candidates are increasingly looking for:

  • Diversity and inclusion programmesinclusive policies to promote workplace diversity and improve your culture.
  • Environmental sustainability practices ­–eco-friendly initiatives such as green office practices, energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation.
  • Health and wellbeing –programmes that support physical and mental health, including fitness classes, EAPs, and flexible working.
  • Volunteering – paid time off to volunteer for charitable or community organisations and company-wide charity participation.
  • Ethical leadership development – education on CSR principles, ethical leadership, and sustainable practices to foster ethical decision-making skills.

By demonstrating a genuine commitment to CSR, businesses can attract and retain top talent, drive employee engagement, and ultimately achieve better overall performance.

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