Have a Safetember

Do you work with or alongside fork lift trucks? If so, get involved in the Fork Lift Truck Association (FLTA) month long safety campaign – Safetember.

Why is a campaign necessary? The FLTA highlight the importance of their campaign with the following statements:

  • “the ubiquitous fork lift truck is the most dangerous form of workplace transport in the UK; it is responsible for more accidents and serious injuries every year than even HGVs”
  • “we bear witness to over 1100 fork lift truck accidents a year, which means on average there are two accidents every day in the UK”

The FLTA feel that all accidents involving fork lift trucks are avoidable if workplace attitudes and culture change. The responsibility for this change lies with everyone who works with or alongside fork lift trucks, which is why the campaign’s theme this year is “make sure your mates get home safe.”


Safer Site Essentials from the FLTA gives managers a basic introduction to improving safety on site. There are also free posters, videos and a hazard perception test available from the FLTA website to download.

For the Jersey approved code of practice (ACoP) relating to fork lift truck use, please click here.

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