Deena Jackson v Sinels Advocates (Jersey)

What was it about? Unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal, and late provision of employment contract. What was the outcome? The Tribunal determined that Sinels Advocates did undertake a reasonable investigation […]
Craig Mellon v Sandpiper C.I. Limited (Guernsey)

What was it about? Constructive unfair dismissal What was the outcome? The Tribunal determined that Mr Mellon resigned from this employment and was not constructively dismissed. What were […]
Neonakis v La Trape Proprietes (Divers) A.R.L (Jersey)

The Claimant claimed: (i) he did not receive pay in respect of overtime; and (ii) unauthorised deductions had been made from his wages. The Respondent defended both claims on the […]
Lessons Learnt from the Pandemic

As we all know, the last two years have caused a lot of disruption to our regular working days. Working from home became the norm for so many, while this […]
Snap, Crackle & Pop Breakfast Briefing – 18/11/21

In case you missed it, here’s a recording of our Snap, Crackle & Pop Breakfast Briefing! Our speakers were: Tammy Fage – Health & Safety Inspectorate Dr Chris Edmond – […]
Pallot v Jersey Heritage Trust (Jersey)

The claims in this case were for discrimination and automatic unfair dismissal. The Claimant was a driver for amphibious passenger vehicles that travel between West Park and Elizabeth Castle and […]
Gomes v Advanced Heating Limited (Jersey)

Mr Gomes was a plumbing and heating engineer who started work in June 2019. He brought forward claims for unfair dismissal, notice pay, no payslips, and discrimination. Over time, it […]
Gatehouse Jackson v Le Friquet Hotel Limited (Guernsey)

Ms Gatehouse Jackson commenced work with the employer in October 2019 as a receptionist. Just before the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020, management told Ms Gatehouse Jackson that her performance […]
An Introduction to Occupational Health

What do you think of when someone mentions occupational health? Most people will think of a department that employees are referred to for assessment when they’re off sick. An occupational […]
Raffray v States of Guernsey (Guernsey)

What was it about? Unfair dismissal What was the outcome? The claim for unfair dismissal was successful, and the Claimant was awarded £66,094.50. The Tribunal determined that employer pension […]
Allinson v Trinity Joinery Ltd (Jersey)

What was it about? Wrongful dismissal, bank holiday pay, minimum rest periods What was the outcome? The wrongful dismissal claim was upheld as no notice was given contrary to […]
Bois v Langley Automatics Ltd (Jersey)

What was it about? Constructive unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal, disability discrimination, unpaid wages, failure to provide employment particulars What was the outcome? When considering the constructive unfair dismissal claim, […]
It’s High Time Employers Understand Medicinal Cannabis

Legalisation of cannabis for medicinal purposes came into force in Jersey on 1 January 2019, with the first local licences for the commercial cultivation of medicinal cannabis issued in December […]
Nolan v Voisins Department Store Limited, Voisin and Le Vesconte (Jersey)

What was it about? Unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal, direct discrimination, indirect discrimination. What was the outcome? The claims for unfair dismissal and wrongful dismissal did not succeed as Mr Nolan […]
Hitchins v Babbé LLP (Guernsey)

What was it about? Constructive unfair dismissal and sex discrimination What was the outcome? The claim for constructive unfair dismissal was successful and Mrs Hitchins was awarded £76,068. The claim […]
How much do you know about health and safety audits?

You’ve probably heard a lot about health and safety audits in the last year, as businesses have needed them to reopen due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But, do you know […]
C. Fernandes v A. Fernandes Ltd. (Jersey)

What was it about? Constructive unfair dismissal, breach of contract, non-payment of wages, failure to provide written statement of employment, COVID payroll co-funding What was the outcome? The Tribunal did […]
New Packages for Small Business

As lockdown has now lifted, many businesses are largely open but faced with an uncertain and challenging winter. In the early stages of lockdown, Law At Work provided many organisations […]
Disability in the Workplace

The revised disability regulations have been in place in Jersey since 2018, and the legislation comes into full force on 1 September 2020. With less than four weeks to go, […]
Return to Work

As the island takes the next step in the Safe Exit Framework, more islanders are being permitted to return to work. While not all employees can yet return, employers are […]
Display Screen Equipment Training

With the home now becoming a workplace for many, and likely to remain so for at least a month, employers are reminded that their duty to protect the health and […]
Coronavirus and HR – How it can impact your business and employees

Law At Work has teamed up with Jersey Business and Digital Jersey to bring business leaders some practical advice about some of the common HR questions that are being asked […]
Keeping a Handle on Your Mental Health at Work

Once reaching adulthood, much of the ‘life you lead’ is spent at work, so it’s no surprise that this can have a huge influence over your well-being. Employment presents many […]
New year, new job?

As we get off to a flying start in 2019, LAW is seeking new team members to flourish within our expansion plans. We are looking to appoint for the following […]