4th Annual Leadership Survey

After the success of the last few years, Leadership Jersey have opened their annual leadership survey for the fourth year.

As leading HR and employment specialists, we know how vital good leadership is for a business.

Having a good leader in your workplace can mean the difference between meeting your business goals and falling short. Effective leaders are supportive, encouraging, and passionate individuals who drive success and motivate your team.

That’s why we’re proudly sponsoring the Leadership Survey again this year.

About the survey

The Leadership Survey is a short questionnaire designed to provide an insight into how the Island’s employees see their business leaders.

Questions ask you to evaluate the effectiveness of leaders in your organisation to establish leadership trends on the Island.

While the survey is anonymous, you must be over the age of 16 to participate. The survey is open to people from all sectors, so please share the link with colleagues, friends, and family members.

About Leadership Jersey

Established in 2015 by Kevin Keen, Leadership Jersey’s aim is to promote the importance of leadership qualities.

The organisation offers leadership events that raise money for various charities across the Island. In partnership with the Jersey Evening Post, Leadership Jersey also have publications on the topic of leadership.

This is the fourth annual survey Leadership Jersey have run. Our hope is that this survey will develop our understanding of the attraction and retention of talent issues that many local businesses are currently facing.

“If Jersey organisations are to successfully navigate the many challenges facing them, we believe that improving leadership is absolutely the key,” Kevin Keen told Bailiwick Express.

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