Grow Your Own Talent

Whilst employers navigate the minefield that the ‘new normal’ brings, it’s essential to think about employees’ career journeys and succession planning.

The pandemic brought a lot of job-hopping, and employees are looking for new ways to work and grow within their profession.

In addition to COVID-19, the stricter restrictions around employing non-Jersey individuals could create a skills gap in the market. To prevent a gap, there’s no better way to ensure you have the talent your business needs than by growing your own.

The Government of Jersey has awarded Highlands College grants enabling them to provide free places on courses to assist the Island’s businesses to recover in the wake of the pandemic.

With that in mind, ensuring your business has a robust learning and development programme for succession planning will help you grow your own talent and ensure you are future-proofing your business.


[dt_sc_blockquote type=”type2″ cite=”CIPD, 2021″] Apprenticeships are an asset to any organisation and bring significant benefits to businesses, individuals, and the wider economy. At their best, they provide a structured route into the labour market for young people, enabling them to progress in their careers and, at the same time, providing employers with a motivated and engaged workforce with the technical skills they need.[/dt_sc_blockquote]


By demonstrating your organisation’s investment in its people, you will reap the rewards of this benefit by having a more proactive, focused, and dedicated workforce with greater skills and knowledge. A highly skilled team will allow you to provide a more specialised service to your clients.

When investing in your employees, it’s important to protect your investment.

We would advise entering into a training agreement with your employees which outlines your expectations. It should also give structured terms and conditions around leaving your business during, or for a specified time after, the training.

These terms and conditions should outline any cost implications to employees who exit early, as your business will not benefit from their training.

From HR to Health and Safety to Care – LAW provides various online and face-to-face training sessions to help upskill your team.

Please download and complete the booking form or purchase your tickets from our events calendar to secure a place on any training courses. Please send any completed booking forms to

If you can’t see a specific course you’re looking for, please get in touch with us as we may be able to create a custom course for your business.

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